Cozy grove cat recipes
Cozy grove cat recipes

cozy grove cat recipes

These (or nuts from any other season) can also be used for other quests, cooking recipes, or to feed to pets. Imps will sometimes ask for whatever nut is currently in season, so it is helpful to keep 10-20.Keep at least one stack, as Bon bons are needed regularly for heartbroken imps.Sell extra cocoa beans if storage is limited.Sell extra salt, or cook and sell extra sauerkraut if all other ingredients are abundant (this may not be the case early on, see the Essences section below).Keep at least one stack of each, more if storage is not an issue.Sell extra eggs (or cook them into deviled eggs for slightly more profit), or cook and sell extra cob salads if all other ingredients are abundant (this may not be the case early on, see the Essences section below).It is not especially profitable to cook eggs into boiled eggs or deviled eggs to sell, however these are sometimes requested by bears or pets.Keep 2-3 stacks of eggs for cooking recipes and to feed to pets.Cook all extra greens into fancy greens and then deluxe greens to sell (these are more profitable).Keep one stack of each type of green for cooking recipes and to feed to pets.If storage space is limited the player can sell these for additional coins. It is slightly more profitable to cook roasted root vegetables into vegetable broth and roasted mushrooms into mushroom tofu, but the profit margins are fairly slim.Burn the remaining raw ingredients into roasted root vegetables and roasted mushrooms and keep a stack of each for other cooking recipes and to feed to pets.The player will need vegetable broth and mushroom tofu for other cooking recipes and to feed to pets.Most requests are for common and uncommon ingredients, so if the player is short on storage space they can sell rarer raw ingredients and ignore requests for any items they do not have. Imps will sometimes ask for specific raw cooking ingredients, so it may be helpful to keep up to 10 of each.Quests will occasionally ask for in-season fruits and berries, so if storage space is not an issue it may be helpful to save a few unburned pieces of each in-season fruits and berries.This is one of the best income sources available! Turn the rest to fruit jam and keep a stack for other cooking recipes and to feed to pets.Burn most fruit into roasted fruit and keep a stack for other cooking recipes and to feed to pets :).

cozy grove cat recipes

If the player has one of these recipes they should use it instead of selling fishbones. Some crafting recipes call for 4 charred fishbones and sell for 2,000 old coins, which makes them quite profitable. If storage space is not a concern it is helpful to keep a small stack of fish bones for repairing tools, but the rest should be sold unless the player has found one of the crafting recipes discussed below.It is never more profitable to sell a fish than it is to sell the charred fish bones. Rarer fish sell for more coins, but they also yield a larger number of fishbones. Burn the rest into charred fishbones and sell them.Because it is easy to catch common and uncommon fish these do not need to be stored, however if storage is available the player may wish to pick one species each of rare and legendary fish and keep a stack of 10 of each. Quests will occasionally ask for fish of a specific rarity, but the player will never be asked for mythical fish.The recommendations below assume that the player has already donated anything that is eligible to donate. It is always best to donate new items to the Captain for his collection! He is generous with rewards, and some donation rewards include recipes the player will rely on throughout the game. A player's specific needs may change depending on current quests, so these are recommendations rather than hard rules. This section contains some general recommendations about what a player might want to keep, sell, transform, etc. Early in the game the player is fairly limited in storage, coins, and resources.

Cozy grove cat recipes